Vote! Please?

I'd like a new name for this blog.  Those two name ideas are the best ones that I like(but I'm willing to take other suggestions!)

The Power of Basement Cat compels you!
image courtesy of luigi diamonti/

Anyway... please help?  I'm leaning towards 'Kiss My Zombie', but the other one has appeal too.  And no, it does NOT mean, Kissing me!  It's just.. kind of a weird concept kind of thing.  That you would accept a dystopian world by kissing it.  Ok neither name really has anything to do with the fact that I'll be reviewing movies or blogging about other things too.  I was just looking for a catchier name for this blog.  Make sense?

But if you have a better idea, please share! I'm open to other name ideas.
Just comment here, or tweet to me.  Thanks everyone!


I would LOVE to be able to use 'Basement Cat' as the blog name, but since it's a popular internet meme, I can't.  The pic above is just a joke... as in, "Basement Cat is so powerful and evil he'll compel you to vote for a name for this blog." Sorry for any misunderstanding, everyone. My joke falleth flat. 


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